coins of wish
hari ini pulang sekolah titan bawa celengan yang dia buat sendiri di sekolah.
terus, dia minta koin sama saya.
nda, titan minta koin dong. i want to make some wishes.
sambil memasukkan koin yang saya kumpulin dari dompet, tas dan sudut-sudut, titan ngomong gini.
i wish ... nda, batuk bahasa inggrisnya apa? cough ya? i wish my cough will be over soon (koin pertama)
i wish, when i grow up, i can be a chef or a captain (koin ke tiga)
when i grow up, i wish i have a big house (koin ke empat)
when i grow up, i wish i will be a rich man and not forgetting god and nice behave (koin ke lima)
when i grow up, i wish i can marry Naira (koin ke enam)
when i grow up, i wish me and Naira can have a big house (koin ke tujuh)
di sela-sela doanya, saya mengamini setiap harapannya.
bunda, i still have one coin. it is for you. what do you wish?
ooo thank you!
i wish my children to be healthy and happy,
i wish me and bubu and nini and aki will be healthy too
so we can watch you and la luna grow big and tall and watch you marry Naira
terus, dia minta koin sama saya.
nda, titan minta koin dong. i want to make some wishes.
sambil memasukkan koin yang saya kumpulin dari dompet, tas dan sudut-sudut, titan ngomong gini.
i wish ... nda, batuk bahasa inggrisnya apa? cough ya? i wish my cough will be over soon (koin pertama)
i wish, when i grow up, i can be a chef or a captain (koin ke tiga)
when i grow up, i wish i have a big house (koin ke empat)
when i grow up, i wish i will be a rich man and not forgetting god and nice behave (koin ke lima)
when i grow up, i wish i can marry Naira (koin ke enam)
when i grow up, i wish me and Naira can have a big house (koin ke tujuh)
di sela-sela doanya, saya mengamini setiap harapannya.
bunda, i still have one coin. it is for you. what do you wish?
ooo thank you!
i wish my children to be healthy and happy,
i wish me and bubu and nini and aki will be healthy too
so we can watch you and la luna grow big and tall and watch you marry Naira
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